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Taylor Fronk’s Avatar

Taylor Fronk

Sales Support
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
13 Answers
23302 Reads
31 Karma

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Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jun 13, 2024 2235 views

How do you find clients as a freelance photographer?

How do you find clients as a freelance photographer? How do you find new clients and keep old ones. I’m struggling to stretch beyond the circle of people I know.

Mathias’s Avatar
Mathias Jun 09, 2024 1060 views

I’m really passionate for sports but haven’t fully committed to a single sport yet, and I just finished my sophomore year of high school, should I try committing to a single one for a college scholarship?

My entire childhood was soccer. When the pandemic hit, I stopped playing and got very rusty, then late pandemic I tried out for a travel team and was a disaster. I played on, knowing that improvement comes with practice. In eighth grade I played basketball. Last year in freshman year I played...

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jun 10, 2024 1300 views

I’d it possible to become an actor at 14 and if so how?

I’ve been wanting to be in the entertainment business for my whole life. Now that I’m 14 and have some skills I want to know how I can make this a possibility.

Camila’s Avatar
Camila Jun 10, 2024 1047 views

As a double major in accounting and finance, coming senior in college and International Student. What are some guides that you would give me in order to apply for a full-time position in the U.S?

Is being difficult to me when I applied for certain internships in the past because I require CPT and sponsorship in the future. My goal is to be in one of the big 4 accouting firms.

gabriel’s Avatar
gabriel Jun 04, 2024 3079 views

how can i join the millitary after collge?

military tips

Oyakhilome’s Avatar
Oyakhilome May 23, 2024 1427 views

what does a professional resume contains and show me how to write one?

what does a professional resume contains and show me how to write one?

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina May 25, 2024 1127 views

What should I do to get into a prestigious college?

Specific extracurriculars? Volunteering? Dedication? Good GPA?

Rio-NielC_af13’s Avatar
Rio-NielC_af13 Mar 27, 2013 6100 views

How do I decide between career paths?

I am currently a senior in highschool trying to decide between career paths. I am interested in the medical field but I am also intersted in business. I was wondering what should be my deciding factor or some things I should take into consideration in order to come to a final decision....

Abby’s Avatar
Abby May 31, 2024 2163 views

How did you know that the major you picked is something you will enjoy for the rest of your life?

I'm going to be a senior in the fall and I think I want to go to school for occupational therapy assistant, then go on to get my masters.

Shelly’s Avatar
Shelly May 30, 2024 1557 views

How do start your own business in the beverage industry ?

I am currently a high school student but I overthink a lot about my future and this is what I want to pursue.

Gbenga’s Avatar
Gbenga Jun 04, 2024 3779 views



Lani’s Avatar
Lani Apr 23, 2024 2696 views

Will Failing grades harm your chance at getting a job?

Im 16 and im in 8th grade and I've recently been doing online schooling. It's really not my thing and im back to regular school now but I've failed my grade twice and ive been panicking a lot about it. I've always had good grades and im afraid i wont get a job later on now that ive failed more...

Caleb’s Avatar
Caleb May 06, 2024 3811 views

Can you share some tips for navigating a career transition, particularly from one industry to another??

Can you share some tips for navigating a career transition, particularly from one industry to another?