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Grace Sung’s Avatar

Grace Sung

North Bergen, New Jersey
5 Answers
2789 Reads
11 Karma

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Scott’s Avatar
Scott Apr 26 503 views

Why am i supposed to go to college?

I need to know more

Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Oct 27, 2016 816 views

Do you ever get tired of your job?

I am wondering if I will enjoy my career choice as much as I do now for the rest of my life. #nursing

stanley’s Avatar
stanley Jun 07 2766 views

how can i improve my computer skills?

I need to learn computer skills and improve my skills

Mia’s Avatar
Mia Jun 11 1086 views

How do people find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed?

If people are ready to level up or switch in their careers, how do they find their next job opportunity while they may still be employed? I am currently working my first job in the nonprofit/education industry since graduating college, and I am thinking about finding another job in a year.

kayla’s Avatar
kayla Jun 13 1302 views

How do you choose a career that you can pursue ? when you are undecided about anything in particular ?

I am really undecided about my future I had nothing in particular that I was good at in school so how do you chose a course to take in university ?