Hannah Rasmussen
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How do I pick a good collage?
My name is harmony, and I am looking to be a Criminal Justice Lawyer. All my life I have had my mind set on this. I recently started looking into collages, and I started questioning everything. How do I know what school to pick and which one will help me the most? Please help me.

How can I overcome imposter syndrome and low self esteem in school and life?
I've struggled my whole life with imposter syndrome and this inherent feeling that my success is tied to my achievements in school. This has led to depressive episodes, low self-esteem, and resentment and jealousy on my part sometimes which I am not proud of at all. I compare myself and either...

What are some tips to becoming motivated for school?
I am a Senior in high school

What Extracurriculars should I be applying to as a Highschool Sophomore wanting to major in Biology?
As a rising highschool sophomore, I wanted to know what programs/competitons I should be aware of and applying to if I plan to major in Biology?