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Angela Cavallin’s Avatar

Angela Cavallin

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
3 Answers
4467 Reads
41 Karma

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Lilia’s Avatar
Lilia Jul 21, 2024 1224 views

How can I put my foot in the door acting in LA if I come from a low-income household?

I'm a 17yo who's turning 18 in September. I really want to start film/tv acting, but I don't have a lot of money to get headshots, lessons, etc. I'm going to be doing intermediate theatre this year (senior year), and I have prior experience doing acting classes in/out of school in the past. I...

William’s Avatar
William Jul 29, 2024 1043 views

What do I do if I find myself wanting to pursue many (creative) careers?

I want to pursue acting/voice acting, writing, art/animation, and filmmaking. I hear that acting is a very time-consuming job that requires a lot of commitment, but I also want to do writing and filmmaking, so what do I do about that? Is it possible to juggle all of these careers at the same...

John’s Avatar
John Feb 05, 2024 4690 views

Is it true that nearly 65% of all film directors only make 1 film in their whole life??

I recently read this statistic and it has shocked me. Am I doomed to only put one art piece into this world? The expectation for becoming a director is fame but still. I mean I want to make many movies and the idea of only being able to make one sounds completely hope-crushing. On the other end...