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Robert Kunkel’s Avatar

Robert Kunkel

Manager Labor Relations
Management Occupations
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
5955 Reads
21 Karma

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Maya’s Avatar
Maya Aug 26, 2024 671 views

Do I have a chance in college?

I been asking a lot about college applications and I'm still not sure if I want to reveal my real life story or choose something safe - yet unique to stand out. My unweighted GPA is a 3.3 while my weighted is a 3.7. I haven't done any extracurricular until my junior and senior year due to...

Jazzy’s Avatar
Jazzy Aug 26, 2024 2736 views

What are the best majors you can take in collage right now?

I know a lot of new technology is coming out and sometimes you have to upgrade your game. Any advice?

Jazzy’s Avatar
Jazzy Aug 26, 2024 2726 views

How did you become who you are today?

I just had a friend who gave me amazing advice and I was wondering. if you can ask a question then really It can change a whole persons life. So who made you what you are today? And what made you be that kind of person?