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Ocala, Florida
3 Questions
241 Karma

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Trey Nov 05 753 views

How do you actually start a business?

I'm interested in being a business man as one of my career choices. but...How do you set it up? How do you get it started? What do you do first? What do you focus on specifically?

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Trey Nov 03 790 views

How financially rewarding can graphic design be? How good is graphic design?

I would like to do graphic design as one of my career paths but I don't know how "rewarding" it is nor do I know any of the benefits in general. Is graphic design a good career choice?

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Trey Aug 28 576 views

What can i do to start early for real estate?

I'm 16 years of age and I would like to start doing real estate. I know I'm not old enough for a license but is there anything I can do to get a head start?