Mason Bryant
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How can I make money online easily pls. ?
How can I make money online easily pls.

What does it take to become a commercial pilot?
Becoming a pilot has been a dream of mine since I was a kid, and it's a career that I am open to looking into. I've looked at the Moody Bible College Aviation Spokane, which to my understanding would teach me to be a missionary pilot. I would love to do this, but one day I may like to switch...

What path should I take after high school if I want to become an A&P tech.?
Schools or entry level workplace recommendations would be great, As well as further certs I could take after getting a&p certified. I live in the West Virginia area.

My high school offers CNA and EMR/EMT classes that can transfer to college credit. My goal is to get a BSN, and I'm unsure which course could help me in the long run during college.

What skill sets are most important as an aircraft mechanic?
What skill sets are most important in your role?