Adrianna’s Career Goals
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What should I put in a 2D Animation portfolio for art school?
I am a senior in high school interested in 2D animation with ADHD and Autism but also have wrestling during the winter. I also have ideas for a story along with tons of characters involved. What type of pieces should I put in my Portfolio? Should I try making a character design sheet? Should I...

What is a good app to do 2d animation on an ipad ?
I need a good 2d animation app so that way I can make animations to put into my art portfolio for college.

What other majors should I look into incase I don't get into art school?
My name is Adrian, and my goal is to go to an art school for 2d animation. But my college counselor at my high school is asking me to look into other options. But I just don't know what?!