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Dallas, Texas
10 Answers
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Rin’s Avatar
Rin Oct 29, 2024 784 views

What can I study my undergrad year before going to law school?

I wanted to study a social science or humanities before going into law but am not too sure what my options are limited to and would like an insight or some information regarding those options. I am looking for something versatile in the job market in case I shift gears in the future and pursue...

lydia’s Avatar
lydia Oct 26, 2024 534 views

what do lawyers do in their free time?

i am interested in doing law.

Fernando’s Avatar
Fernando Oct 26, 2024 559 views

What kind of career with an English degree can be found that is financially viable?

While I'm going into engineering, I've considered majoring in or graduating with an English degree, but the careers I've considered don't offer high salaries (around 57k annually). Is there a career out there that someone can have with an English-oriented degree and not struggle to make ends meet?

Daisy’s Avatar
Daisy Oct 13, 2024 358 views

What potential setbacks could I face while studying law?

I'm in high school and trying to prepare for when I get to college. Wanting to know how I can prepare myself.

valeria’s Avatar
valeria Aug 29, 2024 390 views

How can I become a lawyer?

What kind of classes do I have to take to study law? I have been wanting to be a lawyer since I was little

Ember’s Avatar
Ember Sep 17, 2024 913 views

Fashion designers and writers, what are your opinions?

I am just starting college and am thinking about pursuing a career in fashion designing or writing (novels, fiction, articles). If anyone from either of these career paths sees this, what does a day to day life look like for you? How did you get started? What education did you receive? Was the...

Emery’s Avatar
Emery Aug 28, 2024 412 views

I go to Crane Middle School and I want to know what are the soft skills that lawyers are required or suggested to have ?

I know they need to be social and loud talkers, but how I do become more social?

Nubia’s Avatar
Nubia Aug 28, 2024 597 views

What do you need to learn before becoming a lawyer?

I am in 8th grade and want to learn about how to become a lawyer or what I need to learn to become one. I hope to be one by the age of 28 and want to study in Harvard.

Klaryssa’s Avatar
Klaryssa Aug 29, 2024 377 views

How can I be sure that I want to become a lawyer?

I want to become a lawyer because I think it would suit me, but I am not sure whether or not that is what I want to do. I was told by my mom that I would make a good lawyer, and I think so too, but I am not sure whether I am sure if I want to do it.

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Sep 27, 2024 1177 views

If interested in a future career in law, should you major in something that is highly requested in the local area, or something niche?

I am applying to colleges at the moment, and am wondering what should dictate my decision of what to major and minor in. I want to do everything possible to have a successful future career as a lawyer, so I want my classes to be more geared toward giving me an edge- not a generic major that...