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San Francisco, California
5 Questions
266 Karma

Vicky’s Career Goals

I want to attend a 4 year university in California. After I graduate college, I want to have a stable job that has high income. I want to become a social media marketing manager for companies like Rhode, Rare Beauty or Lululemon.



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Vicky Dec 27, 2024 1021 views

What to do with a bad ACT score and how to remove colleges from seeing it?

This was my first time taking the ACT and I was unprepared and did not study well. My score has been sent to my dream UC and I regret it so much. What should I do?

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Vicky Dec 18, 2024 128 views

I want to go visit colleges over the break, how do I get a tour?

I want to visit all the UCs but not sure how to. Do I just go to the college or is there a form to sign in order to tour.

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Vicky Oct 28, 2024 451 views

I am currently a Junior in high school, I have lots of extracuriculers and I am taking lots of rigorous courses. My grades aren't look the best right now, what should I do ?

I would say I am quite well rounded, as I'm on the tennis team, I have a position on student council, club officer for 2 clubs, volunteer every weekend. I am taking 3 ap classes this year and 1 honor. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed but I want to look good for colleges. But, my grades aren't going...

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Vicky Oct 20, 2024 807 views

Is it true that colleges are not looking into SAT or ACT scores?

I struggle with standardized testing. Many of my classmates and students my age are taking the SAT. If I consider going test optional, will that lower my chances to getting into my dream colleges(UCs)?

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Vicky Oct 07, 2024 148 views

What are some majors that are not as competitive and admission rates are high ?

I am interested in business and technology. My target schools are mostly UCs.