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San Francisco, California
5 Questions
536 Karma

Zori’s Career Goals

I hope to pursue a career that involves law, IO psychology, criminal investigation, and/or leadership/management.



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Zori Mar 06 3069 views

How does AI affect the future prospects of lawyer?

People have many concerns about AI "taking over our jobs." Do you think this is a legitimate concern? How can the integration of AI in the workforce affect careers in law?

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Zori Mar 06 2173 views

What do you learn in law school?

I'm currently set on pursuing law. What are some important things I should realize about this career pathway and law school?

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Zori Dec 17, 2024 1714 views

What was your experience switching career paths?

I know some adults choose to stick to their stifling jobs, even when it makes them miserable or exhausted everyday.

I'm concerned about my future being like this, in which I end up stuck in an unfulfilling job. What are some things people should consider when pivoting to another career path?

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Zori Dec 17, 2024 1014 views

For lawyers and psychologists, what are some things you wished you knew when you first started your career, and how does your job deviate from your initial expectations?

Hi! I'm interested in law and psychology. I know the media likes to glorify/stereotype certain jobs, and I'm wondering how reality differs from expectation.

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Zori Oct 29, 2024 536 views

What are some careers that you can pursue with a cognitive science major?

I'm a high school senior interested in psychology, cognitive science, and how that relates to AI. I am wondering what opportunities there are in the CogSci major and if it's worth pursuing in college.

Thank you for your input!