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Daniele Brown’s Avatar

Daniele Brown

Financials Crimes Associate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Hinesville, Georgia
6 Answers
1608 Reads
11 Karma

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ethan’s Avatar
ethan Oct 09 159 views

what do you do for personal training?

i am wanting to become a personal trainer and idk if its right for me

Joel’s Avatar
Joel Oct 09 93 views

what are interns useful for?

grade level 12.

Atasee’s Avatar
Atasee Oct 09 189 views

How to become an architect when I am bad at math?

Especially Algebra 1, I'm in eighth grade and I want to become a real estate architect (designing homes, etc). Do you have any tips on how to become better at math? Also, what courses would I need in high school for this career path?

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Oct 09 339 views

What are the potential jobs if I study business?

I am a 9 grader that is looking to be in the business industry but doesn't know exactly what to do.

connor’s Avatar
connor Oct 09 449 views

what college would be best for the trades?

im in the 11th grade im thinking about college but im not sure what college that would be best to help me with welding and the trades i need some pointers.

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Oct 09 298 views

What are some good careers if I really like math?

I want some advice on what career I could choose if I like math and but taking into consideration the amount of pay that career would give you. I have always been a person responsible of my money and liked math.