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Angel S’s Avatar

Angel S

UI/UX Design Aspirant
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
363 Answers
93963 Reads
355 Karma


Civic Duty
Carter’s Avatar
Carter Oct 10 202 views

How much money do you make yearly as a police officer And how much years do you have to go in training and college to be a police officer??

How much money do you make yearly as a police officer? And how much years do you have to go in training and college to be a police officer?

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 11 809 views

Does working to get a dual or double major take up a lot of your free time?

I'm in high school currently. I am interested in both Criminology and Forensic Science and I haven't been able to find a major/career that incorporates both, so I am thinking of double or dual majoring.

Lyla (Lyl)’s Avatar
Lyla (Lyl) Oct 11 511 views

how time consuming can being a CSI or forensic technician be?

asking all CSIs! how time consuming is being a CSI or a forensic technitions? the movies and TV shows (like the CSI series from the 2000s if anyone knows of that) seem to glamorize it a little and I was wondering what the real world version would be. When I'm older I would like to have two cats...

Mathias’s Avatar
Mathias Oct 10 561 views

Which Age can I retire at working as a Welder?

Hello so I just started at job corps and this is my second week so far I was thinking of which trade of picking to do and welding was on my list of trades to decide from and I was interested at what age am I able to retire as a welder?

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Oct 10 584 views

What do bosses look for in their employees for armed security?

And how can I apply the values and traits needed for that position?

Sung’s Avatar
Sung Oct 10 274 views

How to become pro in desining and start a career?

How to become pro in designing and start a career?

Angelle’s Avatar
Angelle Oct 09 310 views

What are the potential job positions if I decide to study fashon desing?

I want to know what could I work in if I study fashon desing.