Career questions tagged user-experience-design

What are some worthy high-salary potential career paths for a student majoring in informatics with a concentration in "Interactive User Experience" and double minoring in business and artificial intelligence ?
I am currently a freshman in college, I know I want to go into a career path that somewhat combines all of these subject areas. But, just unsure on what that can even look like or what careers can be pursued. If someone who works with maybe at least 2 of these subject areas can help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.

What should be included in a portfolio review for a product design interview?
I just finished my UX/UI bootcamp and I'm wondering what advice you have on what makes a compelling portfolio review for a Jr. Designer.

Software engineer vs. UI/UX designer?
I think I want to become a software engineer or a UI/UX designer. Is there a career that would encapsulate both these roles? Also, many engineering focused schools, such as Purdue, offers a wide range of specific majors like computer science, UI/UX design, web design, etc. I know that computer science is a really competitive major. Would majoring in UI/UX design (or another niche major) and taking courses or coding boot camps be more beneficial (in terms of getting accepted into that college and working as a software engineer or UI/UX designer later on)?

How can I find good internship opportunities as a high school student?
I have a Linkedin but all the internships require one to be currently pursuing a college degree but I'm still a senior in high school. I'm interested in UX Design and Computer science. #computerscience #user-experience #user-experience-design #internships #highschool #highschoolsenior

Is "return offer" the major way of getting a job offer after graduation?
Hi! I am planning to apply to a graduate program in UX/HCI, and work as a UX designer after graduation. There are 1-year programs in some graduate schools, but my concern is that if they do not help much in job seeking. My friends told me if I join a 1-year program, I would not have the chance to do an intern before graduation, so I won't have a "return offer" from the IT/Internet companies. Do the graduate Master students mainly get jobs in the IT/Internet industry through "return offers"? Thanks. #technology #IT #internet #user-experience #return-offer #user-interface-design #user-experience-design

How likely will opportunities to travel abroad be in a career as a UX designer?
I am planning to have a future career in User Experience (UX) design. As understanding different walks of life and cultures is a big part of not only UX design but also my personal interests, I would love to travel alongside my job. Due to my heritage, I have a particular interest in working abroad in Japan. Currently I am in the process of learning technical and conversational Japanese; I was wondering how likely it will be that I will actually be able to put my developing language skills to use. #user-experience-design #traveling #business-travel #japanese