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Scott Edwards’s Avatar

Scott Edwards

Product Marketing
Management Occupations
Provo, Utah
4 Answers
331 Reads
1 Karma

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Vicky’s Avatar
Vicky 2 days ago 437 views

Is it true that colleges are not looking into SAT or ACT scores?

I struggle with standardized testing. Many of my classmates and students my age are taking the SAT. If I consider going test optional, will that lower my chances to getting into my dream colleges(UCs)?

Taron’s Avatar
Taron yesterday 286 views

How much money do you make a year as an accountant?

Junior in high school

In a career strategies class

Interested in accounting.

Lucas’s Avatar
Lucas Oct 10 615 views

What would you recommend looking for in a college or university, specifically regarding resources and opportunities for career development, networking, and hands-on experience in the field I'm interested in?

Looking for professional answers, thanks.

Ariel’s Avatar
Ariel Oct 09 402 views

What are the potential jobs if I study business?

I am a 9 grader that is looking to be in the business industry but doesn't know exactly what to do.