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Catrina Duff’s Avatar

Catrina Duff

Create strategies to drive business
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
3 Answers
63 Reads
1 Karma

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Duran’s Avatar
Duran 2 days ago 345 views

What are the common demands for any Business data analyst throughout the average workday?

Explain some of the basics and core fundamentals of data analysis that is always required for each project.

Michele’s Avatar
Michele Nov 04 421 views

#women in leadership, Is it difficult to get senior executives and shareholders to actually listen and try out your business ideas, being a woman?? #Fall24?

#women in leadership, Is it difficult to get senior executives and shareholders to actually listen and try out your business ideas, being a woman??? #Fall24

Ande’s Avatar
Ande Nov 06 217 views

Is job shadowing a good way to see if you are interested in a certain field while in high school?

I have seen many ways you can gain experience and learn about a field while in high school, but I was wondering how helpful job shadowing is. My stepmom recommended I try and shadow a family friend of ours because she works at a local news station for news broadcasting and that is a secondary...