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Madi’s Avatar


Mackay, Queensland, Australia
2 Questions
56 Karma

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Madi Dec 09 157 views

What are the best colleges for marine biology?

What are the best colleges for marine biology as one of my friends are looking for a good college also because I want to know peoples opinions as I would like to follow the same career path

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Madi Dec 08 413 views

I'm 13 and want a job in Marine Biology when I'm older. Where can I start to reach that goal when I'm old enough to get a job?

Im currently a 13 year old student at high school, I want to become a marine biologist when I'm older but I live in a small town with not many opportunities, so I don't have any zoos or aquariums near me, but my parents and teachers are getting students to start planning their future, What...