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London, England, United Kingdom
8 Questions
516 Karma

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Anaka Aug 13, 2017 853 views

What is the best way to get work experience for a career in media?

#Media is a broad field but extremely difficult to enter, how does one get their foot in?

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Anaka Jul 11, 2017 958 views

Are UCAS points still relevant in the UK?

Is the emphasis entirely on grades now or do UCAS points still have some precedence? #UCAS #university

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Anaka Jun 05, 2017 1234 views

How can I begin a career in journalism?

Journalism is a popular career path idea for students but the way into this line of work is not clear. #journalism #online-journalism #career-details

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Anaka May 13, 2017 1300 views

Should I study at home or abroad?

Are domestic or foreign universities the best for university/college experiences? #college #university #study-abroad

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Anaka May 13, 2017 1164 views

Do employers favour certain university clubs or societies?

Is there a university club or society that may make me more employable? #university #employers #student-clubs

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Anaka May 13, 2017 1109 views

What should I study at university?

Should I study something deemed 'facilitating' and 'employable' or a subject that I truly enjoy? #university #degree #undergraduate #arts #subjects #sciences #alevel

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Anaka May 13, 2017 1483 views

Why should I study Geography at university?

Is Geography a valuable degree? #university #degree #geography

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Anaka Mar 05, 2017 999 views

Does a lack of summer internship threaten you're success in applications after graduation?

A summer internship during college is highly coveted but obtaining one is highly competitive and very difficult. Thus, by not having one in your second year of university, are you jeopardising post-university plans? Or will finding an alternative job or volunteering role be as useful? #college...