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mike pszeniczny’s Avatar

mike pszeniczny

Senior Engineering Technician
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Albany, New York
3 Answers
317 Reads
1 Karma

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general’s Avatar
general 11 hours ago 247 views

What do TECHNICAL engineers do on a daily basis

What do technical engineers do on a daily basis

Isobel’s Avatar
Isobel 7 hours ago 200 views

Would it be better to live in a city or somewhere quieter/ more rural for a job in biology?

I am only 16 but I am probably one of the least social people ever. I want to work in a lab doing biological research (partially for the lack of social interaction, but mostly for my love of biology). I love the idea of living in a small rural town where everyone knows everyone but I wonder if...

destiny’s Avatar
destiny 7 hours ago 105 views

What Careers fits with my strengths, and Core Values? Wisdom Family success Love Acheivement

What Careers fits with my strengths, and Core Values? Wisdom Family success Love Acheivement