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Paajcha Julie

Saint Paul, Minnesota
8 Questions
1787 Karma

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Paajcha Julie Dec 16, 2021 4395 views

What is being a remote worker like?

For those you of doing remote work, what is is like overall? 1. What kind of work do you do? (contractor, employee, etc.) 2. In regards to work hours, is it more flexible compared to working on site? 3. How are you compensated? (salary, commission, etc.) 4. What is the earning potential of...

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Paajcha Julie Jun 01, 2021 3803 views

How to deal with poor leadership?

Without giving too much information away, I’m dealing with a boss who isn’t the greatest when it comes to leadership skills. I work online as a scouter for deals, meaning I search online for discounts, and I’m technically an independent contractor. When I first got the job, I asked many...

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Paajcha Julie Apr 14, 2020 1252 views

What is being a copywriter like?

What are the work hours for you? Are you self employed or work for a company? How do you come up with convincing scripts? Do you work in teams or on your own? Do you work remotely or on site? #work #career #marketing #business #advertising #advertisement #copywriting #copywriter #sales #job...

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Paajcha Julie Apr 14, 2020 1474 views

What is the most important skill a copywriter should have, in your opinion?

#job #copywriting #copywriter #advertising #advertisement #marketing #business #sales #writing #networking #career

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Paajcha Julie Apr 30, 2017 2239 views

LinkedIn profile: Tailored towards a certain profession or master resume?

The reason I am asking this question is because I've seen a number of profiles on LinkedIn that seem to be master resumes and others that seem to be tailored. Recently, I have been starting to use LinkedIn more often and fixing and editing my profile. Does it depend on how you use LinkedIn?...

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Paajcha Julie Apr 22, 2017 6799 views

Is it appropriate to add work experience in a place you weren't officially employed at in your resume?

My parents own a grocery store, and when I was a young child, I would help by doing simple tasks such as putting away shopping baskets, aiding cashiers with bagging groceries, and bringing shopping carts inside the store. I also worked at the deli section when it first opened and took orders...

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Paajcha Julie Apr 06, 2017 1400 views

What are some possible occupations that involve cultural preservation?

I recently graduated with a degree in Sociology/Anthropology (that's one major) and currently live in Japan. Living in Japan has given me many opportunities to visit sites of cultural and historical importance. I've always been fascinated by the history of each place and have thought of...

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Paajcha Julie Mar 23, 2017 1879 views

How do you reconcile between following your passion and choosing a career that can support you financially?

Hello! I am a recent college graduate (got my BA), and I've been recently doing some deep soul searching in terms of life purpose and mission. There is a part of me that wants to go straight for things that I'm interested in but at the same time, I do want to be practical and be in a...