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Cristina’s Avatar


Program Manager
Bucharest, Romania
11 Answers
3694 Reads
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Nkosana’s Avatar
Nkosana Feb 18 495 views

How to answer; 'Tell us about yourself question' and give an example to answer'

How to answer; 'Tell us about yourself question' and give an example

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Feb 20 667 views

How difficult is it to get an internship, specifically in veterinary medicine?

I'm a high school senior looking to pursue a career in veterinary medicine and I'm curious how difficult it is to start networking.

William’s Avatar
William Feb 06 168 views

What are some tips to transition from high school to college life?. ?

Living away from home for the first time and not having my parents to keep on me, how do I stay organized and not miss deadlines or fall behind.

Austin’s Avatar
Austin Feb 06 231 views

Should I take a year off and work before entering law school or enter law school immediately after graduation?

Should I take a year off and work before entering law school or enter law school immediately after graduation? I've heard encouragement for me to do both.

Yailin’s Avatar
Yailin Feb 06 482 views

What do you tell people that often feel discouraged starting nursing school/becoming a nurse?

I’m not the smartest when it comes to math and I’m and introvert. I start school towards the end of February and I’m scared I might not make it.

Asssilem’s Avatar
Asssilem Feb 06 498 views

Should I change job when I turns 32?

I have worked for this company for 5 years but sometimes I feel bored with how my company operates. I want to change my job but I'm afraid that I won't get welcome due to my age. What should I do now? Thanks for reply.

Keira’s Avatar
Keira Feb 06 425 views

What was the hardest part of the transition from school life to work life ?

I am currently a senior in high school and I attend Fox High School in Arnold. I am planning on attending a university next year, majoring in hospitality management. I feel like it would be a difficult adjustment from going to school almost everyday to beginning the work life. What was the...

Kajuan’s Avatar
Kajuan Feb 06 392 views

what common obstacles come up in the IT/computer science field?

as an IT student at jobcorps I've been curious about possible hurdles id have to get through while learning and applying myself.

Sabrina’s Avatar
Sabrina Feb 06 232 views

How do I choose what course to pursue in college if I don't know what I want to be in life and no one is supporting any ambitions that I once had when I was younger

How do I choose a course to pursue in college if I can't even decide on what I want to be in life

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Feb 06 320 views

How will I know that I chose the right career path for me? What signs do I look for to determine that I am on the right path to becoming a teacher?

I love children and enjoy helping them learn new things. I just want to make sure that education is the field for me.

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn Feb 06 242 views

What field of social work should I go into career-wise?

I am almost 18 years old with a passion for helping others. I haven't fully decided what college to go to because of financial reasons. I know that I want to get a social work degree, probably a masters, but I don't know what career I should pursue after that. Some social work jobs that I for...