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Natalia Micikowska’s Avatar

Natalia Micikowska

Legal Occupations
Prague, Czechia
7 Answers
2107 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Monica’s Avatar
Monica Nov 22, 2024 2351 views

What questions were you asked during interviews?

Going to have my second interview on Thursday and I would like to be prepared for this one, I really really want this job. What were some common questions that I should be ready for?

RL’s Avatar
RL Dec 19, 2024 267 views

Which is better, dual degree or single degree? Why?

Does it take so long to?

alexander’s Avatar
alexander Feb 06 227 views

Why is diversity in the workforce a bad thing?

Why is diversity in the workforce a bad thing?

Zori’s Avatar
Zori Dec 17, 2024 1017 views

For lawyers and psychologists, what are some things you wished you knew when you first started your career, and how does your job deviate from your initial expectations?

Hi! I'm interested in law and psychology. I know the media likes to glorify/stereotype certain jobs, and I'm wondering how reality differs from expectation.

jackson’s Avatar
jackson Dec 07, 2024 504 views

why do lawyers like reading alot?

i like reading too

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Jan 22 354 views

can I stil be a lawyer if I have troblem with reading and write good becuase I just have problem with it?

Hey ! My Name is angie I am in 11 grade and i plan on becoming a lawyer. The problem is that i strugle with reading and writing and im pretty sure that reading and wring is a imporant part of being a lawyer so what can i do to better my reading and wrinting.

Annabelle’s Avatar
Annabelle Jan 28 301 views

Why did you choose this work?

I have a question for lawyer.