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C V’s Avatar


Community and Social Service Occupations
Buda, Texas
6 Answers
2163 Reads
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Girls’s Avatar
Girls Feb 28 1038 views

been thinking about becoming a social worker. What are some key skills and qualities needed to succeed in this field, and are there any specific areas of social work that are currently growing or in high demand ?

Thank mercy u

Choo’s Avatar
Choo Feb 21 972 views

What are some of the best ways to support and encourage children going through difficult times emotionally?

I can't make them listen when they cry or go on a emotional break down any advice appreciated

RL’s Avatar
RL Dec 19, 2024 470 views

Which is better, economics or business, given the current and future markets situation?

I am thinking about what is the difference between these two majors.

Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Feb 16 1033 views

Varied field options- I'm unsure which to pursue?

Hello, Getting into college a little late in the game (nearing 40,) and I'm torn on what to focus on. I've a strong interest in Library Sciences, but also History and Conservation (e.g. Art, artefacts, physical media.) Currently will be stepping into Library Sciences as I begin college via...

Alina’s Avatar
Alina Jan 28 776 views

FASFA getting "paused"?

Hi again guys! thanks for all the tips and tricks from my past questions! Now another huge problem came up. My Criminal Justice teacher told us seniors that Trump had apparently he "paused" FASFA from giving anyone access to financial aid. Im not sure how long this will happen for or if its...

Tammy’s Avatar
Tammy Feb 11 908 views

Is it possible to go into the accounting world with just a bachelors in accounting?

I want to continue in accounting but I hear from many that I need a masters to get opportunities. However, it's really expensive for me to do. Is it still possible to get into big corporates and governmental accounting with just a bachelors?