alyssa’s Career Goals
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What are some other career fields that I can look at if film doesn't work out?
I'm a 11th grader in San Francisco

What are some challenges you might have to deal with being in the filming field?
I'm currently a 11th grader in San Francisco.

what made you guys pursue the career you guys have right now?
I'm currently a 11th grader in San Francisco.

What are some skills film majors should know beforehand?
I'm a 11th grader located in San Francisco.

How do I find internships that are fit for film major?
I'm located in San Francisco.

What colleges would you recommend for potential film major and dance? Preferably located in California?
Currently learning ballet and wants to study film, a 11th grader in San Francisco.

What was the process to get to where you guys are today?
I'm a 11th grader, and I'm also interested in the film field because I think it's fun to make stories through a movie or shows.