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Denise’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
196 Karma

Denise’s Career Goals

Get into a good college that provides many opportunities

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Denise Mar 19 712 views

How do I understand perspective?

I like to draw, but perspective is something I can never get. Where exactly should I start, and where will it make an improvement?

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Denise Mar 19 461 views

What editing softwares are easiest to use and free to access, and will they have the same effect on my videos like premiere pro?

In a class of mine, I have to edit videos from shots I take myself for assignments. However, the software is quite advanced and not beginner friendly (exactly). Are there any beginner friendly softwares?

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Denise Mar 18 299 views

What resources do you recommend for preparing for the SAT?

I will take the SAT soon, and just wondering how and where I can get resources to better prep me when I take the test.

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Denise Mar 11 2232 views

What do you recommend I should start doing as a Junior in high school?

I want to attend a 4-year university and decide where to really set my goals to be successful, looking for advice.