Disraeli Partridge
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Am I off to a good start for College Applications?
I'm 15, I published my own novel last August at 14 (2024). I'm in 9th Grade, and I have a 4.2 GPA (I'm at an early college high school), and I'm wondering if I'm off to a decent start for college applications. I'm in Girl Scouts, not a student athlete, and the only club I'm in is music club at...

What scholarships and grants would best be recommended to me as I try to continue my education?
Hello, I am a freshmen college student and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend me any scholarships and grants that would help me pay for my tuition, possible housing & housing expense for living on campus, and college necessities. This would be my first time doing something like this so...

How should I look up specific information about a college or university that I am curious about?
I was previously given some suggestions on possible colleges and universities that might fit with what I want to do for my career. I was wondering how I should look up information on those specific recommendations or look up information on colleges and universities outside the recommendations I got.

How did you earn the 150 credits to be eligible for the CPA exam ?
Did you get your bachelor's then master's degree, or did you get the 150 credits through a 5 year bachelor's degree program. What where the pros and cons of your path, and what did you like/dislike about it?

How can I land an internship without much on my resume and what can I do to improve my resume?
College seems to be approaching really quickly and I'm feeling the pressure to get an internship. Unfortunately, I don't really have much on my resume, just a few varsity sports, clubs and volunteering. I feel like the things on my resume aren't really unique and don't make me stand out.

What are the requirements needed for accounting?
I am asking this question because I am going to be going to college and going to major in accounting. #accounting #corporate-finance

how to do community service for college?
search out local community organizations that would are feasible for other college students to join along with and yeah just do that. There are a lot of support online.

what makes you succesful in college?
maintaining an open mindset allows you gain knowledge from othners while aslo improving your levels of experience