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Cody Jones’s Avatar

Cody Jones

Software Application Engineer at Workday
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Rafael, California
17 Answers
37455 Reads
346 Karma


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Davin’s Avatar
Davin Mar 19, 2019 672 views

What is the average pay for a newbie robotic engineer?

#moneyandfinancial-planning #engineer #robotics

KalebBlake’s Avatar
KalebBlake May 04, 2017 2729 views

Why do you need communication skills to be a computer programmer?

Why do you need communication skills to get this job? I mean, don't you usually just do your part of the team? #engineering #science #computer #career-details

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra May 02, 2017 1166 views

What is the limit when applying for the same internship that you did not get the first time?

Just want to know when one should stop applying?

Maddy’s Avatar
Maddy May 02, 2017 1272 views

Hello,Good morning or day or night I know we dont have thesame time my question is all about "How can I program a computer"

Want to know

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie Oct 31, 2016 4102 views

What are some good minors to have when applying for a software developing job?

Would a language minor be a better choice than a minor in economics or business? Overall what would recommend for minors. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #business-analysis

Leion’s Avatar
Leion Apr 26, 2017 1970 views

What is it like being an electrical engineer

Im studying information technology in college but I'm thinking about being an electrical engineer what is it like being an EE. #career #electrical-engineering #japan #project-management #cad #electric #south #hvac #schneider

Franco’s Avatar
Franco Apr 19, 2017 1185 views

What is it like to work in a big corporation?

I'm studying computer science and I would like to know what it is like working in a big company like Google or Microsoft? How do you report to the team, it is a good environment? #computer-science #business #programming

Alleson’s Avatar
Alleson May 17, 2016 1107 views

How can new tech ideas be integrated into the classroom?

I plan the teach mathematics and would love great tech ideas that would assist my students in learning this subject matter! #teacher #professor #tech

Wanita’s Avatar
Wanita Apr 18, 2017 3288 views

When you are offered an interview by phone or Skype, are you suppose to be the one who calls the job or does the job call you?

This may seem silly, however, I have never had a scheduled telephone interview. Normally, I would commute to the destination. Does this concept apply to interviews that don't require you to travel or is the job suppose to contact you? #interviews #job-application

Shakuan’s Avatar
Shakuan Jun 04, 2016 1101 views

List some colleges/universities with a great STEM program aside from the more-popular options, such as Ivy League schools, Georgia Tech, etc?

Many institutions that are cheaper yet offer the same, or better, education to students don't get as much recognition in the press. Can someone provide a list of colleges with great STEM and/or Math programs that are often "underrated?" #college #mathematics #colleges #stem #college-selection...

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Apr 18, 2017 9196 views

Whats the difference between computer science and computer engineering?

Those that are looking to go into one of these fields should know the difference. I went to UIUC for an event called SAIL for computer science and wondered if computer engineering was the same. #computer-science #computer-software

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Oct 28, 2016 1208 views

Will a degree in biomedical engineering help me get a career in the STEM field?

I recently spoke to a friend that is in the program. She told me she can't find a lot of jobs with this degree since it covers a broad range of topics and not just a certain one like mechanical, civil engineering does. I've been doing research for osseointegrated prosthetic limbs, and wanted to...

Georgia’s Avatar
Georgia Feb 01, 2017 2722 views

What subjects are best to study before university/college? (computer science)

If school does not offer computer science as a subject to study at A-Level, what are the best subjects to study in preparation for a computer science degree? #college #computer-science #university #student

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Feb 17, 2017 1598 views

Where can I look to get real-world experience?

I am a college student, declared in the electrical engineering major. I don't have a 3.0 at the moment but I would like to work in a field specific to my major and skills that I have acquired. Do you have any suggestions what kind of companies or places hire students with a GPA around 2.5?...

Grayson’s Avatar
Grayson Feb 22, 2017 1129 views

What college would be best to design video games?

I've always wanted to design video games and I want a college that supports me and lets me have fun. We all need a college like that. I get bored in school easily. I need a college that gets me energetic. #technology #tech #video-game-design #youtube #video-game-development