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Dj Bi na ini’s Avatar

Dj Bi na ini

Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
7 Answers
4699 Reads
1 Karma

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Bryan’s Avatar
Bryan 2 days ago 1298 views

How do you break into the commercial photography industry with no previous professional experience?

I have a bachelor of fine arts with a major in photography. I previously have only photographed people, for example, weddings, and portraiture. I have five years experience as a photo retoucher at a major jewelry corporation. I am currently working on a portfolio of product images.

Eddy’s Avatar
Eddy Mar 21 2150 views

What summer job opportunities would individuals who ended up going into a business or data analyst field recommend for a 17 year old HS student?

Bay Area, Male

Nghi’s Avatar
Nghi Mar 21 1220 views

What are some cheap art supplies I can buy for traditonal art?

I want to buy more art supplies but can't seem to find cheap and affordable ones.

Nghi’s Avatar
Nghi Mar 21 1477 views

Where can I find good character sheets to analyze?

I want to analyze some character designs but don't know where to start/ find.

Denise’s Avatar
Denise Mar 19 435 views

What editing softwares are easiest to use and free to access, and will they have the same effect on my videos like premiere pro?

In a class of mine, I have to edit videos from shots I take myself for assignments. However, the software is quite advanced and not beginner friendly (exactly). Are there any beginner friendly softwares?

sophie’s Avatar
sophie Mar 20 429 views

I want to become a tattoo artist but i don't know where i start?

i love to draw on myself