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Corey Everett’s Avatar

Corey Everett

Art Director
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Houston, Texas
20 Answers
27985 Reads
41 Karma


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Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Oct 21, 2015 1685 views

what different programs do i need to know how to use to become good at computer animation and graphics?

im looking into becoming an animator for cartoon movies like pixar #computer #animation #3d-graphics

nandamuri’s Avatar
nandamuri May 10, 2016 890 views

i want to become animation so what course should i take ?

i have completed 10th #animation

Sofia’s Avatar
Sofia May 14, 2016 1122 views

What is the number one business for Animation (like companies?)?

I'm really interested in becoming a concept artist. #animation #3d-animation

jacob’s Avatar
jacob Oct 26, 2016 1044 views

how to be the best animator you can be?

because i would love to become one #animation #degrees

loka’s Avatar
loka May 05, 2016 970 views

which course i want to take while i want to became a animation and graphic disigner cource

Why means I will take that course only that my mom and dad is saying that animation course will take more money don't want saying elders and parents say that which course I want to take #educator #3d-graphics #animators