Nicole S.

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Besides a computer science degree, what else can I do while in college to make myself more employable after college?
In addition to working on my college degree in technology, what else should I do while in college to make myself more employable?
#computer-science #degree #technology
#employable #job-application

Does passion outweigh income?
Considering that school is expensive, is it worth it to get a degree in something you love, or something that will make you the most amount of money? Is it actually possible to find a combination of the two? #higher-education #moneyoverpassion #passionovermoney

Is it hard to find a job as a German Interpreter?
I would love to major in German in college, but I am not sure if that is a good language to study. Most European countries now study English as a second language , so I don't know how in demand German skills will be!! #german #foreign-languages #travel

Should I major in French if I only took 1 year of French in HS?
I took Spanish for 4 years in high school, and in my senior year I decided to take French I. I've fallen in love with it, and I want to major in French, but is that a good idea? Will it cost me more money in the long run? Will I be too far behind? #majors #French #foreign-languages

How would one go about finding their first job as a translator?
I plan on becoming a Japanese translator and while it seems easy to get started, in my mind it's too vague and I'd like an exact plan. #foreign-languages #language #japan #japanese

What study methods can I use to improve the amount of knowledge I retain?
I want to be a successful student. #success #study #studying-tips #studies #study-skills #academic-advising

Which loans will be best to obtain for college?
I, as other students, struggle financially. When looking into college, cost is a large concern and I know I will have to take out loans. Considering I must go through college for extra time to gain a pH D in law, as I want, I will have a lot of debt. I am the first in my family to graduate high...

Are scholarships helpful for sports as in dance or cheerleading as well? Not just school itself or for sports get a job?
I want to do a sport to have fun in college. I'm going to be a mortician, fun time is always needed. #sports #dance #studying-tips #scholarship #mortician #cheerleading

Any suggestions for staying on task?
I love my major and my classes but I often have a hard time getting work done
#college #studying-tips #studies

Exploring interests in college, how do I choose classes?
I'm a high school senior who has interest in multiple fields for college. One thing I'm looking at is engineering school. I know a lot of colleges have separate GEs or core requirements for engineering majors but I would still like to explore other subjects such as foreign language and...

What are easy ways to take notes while in lectures?
I am the type to just write everything down, but it doesn't really help. Should I use a laptop to type notes or continue writing them? I heard color coding helps, but I'm not sure if it takes up a lot of time.
#notes #study #studying #studying-tips #studies

How can you know if it's the right decision to take a gap year before college?
I have been considering taking a gap year before I start college, however, at the same time I feel ready to begin college life. I researched and talk to others but didn't really receive any great advice. How can you make this decision? #travel #maturity #hardchoice #college #college-advice...

What's the most challenging part about choosing a foreign language as a major?
I am considering majoring in French because I love the culture and I wish to learn more about it while studying abroad. I would just like to know what to expect for when I begin studying for it. #France #bilingual #academic-advising #language #foreign-languages #language-skills

If i'm planning on majoring in Russian Language, should I accompany it with a minor since it would better suite a job. For example, a major in Russian Language and a minor in Economics.
I'm asking because my passion for the Russian language, culture and country is beyond the surface. Ive internalized the Russian spirit. Where I find it difficult is what job could solely a Russian major achieve. To accompany it with a Economics would seem more logical. I have also thought of a...