Career questions tagged german

How do I write a college resume and what should I put on it?
I would like to be a teacher, specifically teaching music (band director), math, and German. If I got German awards in middle school should I put them on my resume? Is there any template for doing so?

Is there a major I could pursue that would allow me to teach German, Math, and Music?
I love music, math, and German. I would also like to be some form of a teacher as a career, and I was wondering if there was any major I could pursue that would allow me to teach interchangeably between these three subjects.

What are ways to interact with international students online for free?
I am interested in studying in Germany. Are there any free online exchange programs or volunteering/internship organizations that can improve my German skills or help me learn about Germany or just get some experience in German-based work? (Or other countries?)

Careers requiring German knowledge?
What are some careers that make extensive use of the German language? I'm currently doing an internship in Berlin but coming back to the States in September.

Chinese vs German
I'm trying to decide what language I want to take for high school. As I've talked about before, I've been thinking about taking a train apprenticeship. The rail company is based in Switzerland, and a lot of their instructions are in German. So if I take German, it would help me get my foot in the door, and it might get me higher pay. But, I do plan on joining the military, and (Mandarin) Chinese is a mission-critical language, and more valuable. But both languages might get me an extra $300 or so more in pay a month. #military #college #business #finance #college-major #entrepreneur #train #rail #money-management #high-school #language #money-management #chinese #german #language #high-school #college #career

What steps do I need to take to get an international internship?
I am a junior Computer Engineering major. I am currently learning German as a second language and one of my goals is to have a software development internship in Germany. I have been applying for internships and looking for international ones, but I would like to hear if there are any specific steps I should take to increase my chances. #internships #german #second-language #software-development #computer-engineering

How do I sell my General Bachelor of Arts to future employers?
I am studying both German and Spanish right now in university. I know that language abilities are helpful to a variety of jobs, but if an employer isn't hiring a job that specifically asks for language skills, how to I make myself still seem applicable? #language #foreign-languages #german #spanish #hiring

Is it hard to find a job as a German Interpreter?
I would love to major in German in college, but I am not sure if that is a good language to study. Most European countries now study English as a second language , so I don't know how in demand German skills will be!! #german #foreign-languages #travel

What are some tips for language learning?
I love to learn languages and often do so by teaching myself. I can speak English and German proficiently, followed by Spanish decently well, and basic sentences in Turkish, Italian, and Russian. What are some tips on learning foreign languages and becoming more fluent? #language #german #spanish #foreign-languages #language-skills #languages

What languages should I learn next?
I'm aware that knowing more than one language can get you unique opportunities, my mother language is Portuguese and I also speak English. I was wondering what language should I learn now. I thought about French since I'm living in Canada, but German is another language that people say it's important to learn. Thanks. #international #language #film-production #foreign-languages #editing #post-production #german

What is a good language to know/learn when looking to become a translator?
I am a senior in high school and I have been learning German and Japanese but I am having a hard time deciding what language I should start with that would benefit me most in my career plans. I have heard certain languages are in demand but I am not sure if i should learn them since they are in demand now and might not be by the time i have learned enough of the language. #language #french #translation #japanese #german