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Carlos Garcia Jurado Suarez’s Avatar

Carlos Garcia Jurado Suarez

Applied Science Mgr at Microsoft
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Redmond, Washington
6 Answers
7713 Reads
51 Karma


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Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 14, 2019 1018 views

What career should I choose if I enjoy computer programming?

I have been doing some basic computer programming for about 5 years now and it really interests me. I would like to have a career in computer programming but I have no clue which job would be the best to go into. I enjoy not only making games but also general software. #computer...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Dec 17, 2019 966 views

What kind of challenges will I be facing as a Data Scientist?

I am 24 and I really like numbers and statistics. I have a variety of experiences in computer skills ranging from HTML and programming, to hardware and software installation. I never really considered a job in computers however the education required versus the salary available is very...

Kira’s Avatar
Kira Jul 12, 2016 3513 views

What are some tips for staying calm during a tough interview?

I'm generally pretty level-headed, but when the pressure is on and difficult questions are being asked I tend to get a little off track. I need help! #job-search #interviews #college-jobs #interviewing-skills #interview-preparation

Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie May 28, 2016 1455 views

Advice for a Computer Science Major?

Hey! I'm going to be majoring in computer science very soon, and I've received a lot of mixed messages from people- either they're begging me to turn around and never look back because it's awful, or that majoring in this field was the greatest decision of their lives, with very little in...

Ashaybhai’s Avatar
Ashaybhai Oct 31, 2016 1427 views

How Compute Science 4 Years course compete with corporate Job?

IT industry is growing fast with upcoming new Technology. Software engineer always Stay on top, Keep updating their skill to compete with job market #computer-software

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 20, 2016 855 views

As a physics major, how much do the classes I take now affect what I can do while working on a masters degree? If I major in chemistry and not computer science, could that make me ineligible for a project I would have otherwise wanted to work on?

I am majoring in physics and minoring in chemistry, and I am worried that I will not have enough engineering or computer science education by the time I graduate, since those two disciplines are tied so closely to physics. #college #computer-science #engineer #physics #college #career-counseling