Castle Funatake
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When to start looking for the following summer's internships
As a current rising junior in college, when is a good time to start recruiting and looking into other opportunities for next summer?

How do I look appealing to employers without a stellar college GPA?
#college #gpa #jobs #career #engineering #lowgpa #job-applications

What is the typical breakdown of loans versus grants?
I was thinking about applying for a loan but I am not sure I will be eligible for one, how do I go about figuring this out? #student-loans #college #loans #finance #money

How can I finance my college education with out having a large amount of debt to repay??
I come from a divided family. My parents have not saved a lot of money for my college, I am concerned about the amount of debt I will have acquired once I complete my education. I am going to pursue a career in Civil Engineering.

If I want to do research, is a degree in bioengineering necessary?
I'm interested in becoming a researcher in the field of biomedicine, but I'm not sure if I would need to get a BA or Master's in bioengineering in order to do that. #research #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-engineer #biomedical-science #bioengineering