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lachee payne’s Avatar

lachee payne

Academic Advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Houston, Texas
4 Answers
2996 Reads
1 Karma

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Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Jul 09 1235 views

I'm a low-income, first generation student and am seeking career mentorship. Where do I start?

I am a community college student interested in working at a bank as a financial advisor. My community college does not have the resources to help me so I don't know where to start.

m’s Avatar
m Jul 22 525 views

What do I do if I can't pick a college major?

I have many subjects/fields I am interested in and I can't narrow it down. What if I did an interdisciplinary/design-your-own major? Will that look okay to employers?

mariah’s Avatar
mariah Mar 27 737 views

best major to choose?

what is the best major to choose, and don't say it depends on you and your interests because i am not really interested in any thing just tell me the best major with career stability and great pay

Paige’s Avatar
Paige Oct 29, 2018 1163 views

When I apply to FAFSA, am I automatically considered for grants and loans?

#college #student-loans #financial-aid