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Jeffrey Gatlin’s Avatar

Jeffrey Gatlin

Architecture and Engineering Occupations
8 Answers
10466 Reads
66 Karma

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Keira’s Avatar
Keira Jan 18, 2018 4483 views

What challenges women face everyday working as an architect?

I Am a young Hispanic women who is interested in becoming a future architect. Architecture in the world is seen as a man career. I like to take challenges in life but I can't wait to know the challenges. Thank you.

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Mar 14, 2018 761 views

What are the best colleges to go to graduate school for a major in architecture.

I want to major in #architecture and want to know more about #graduate-school

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron Jan 12, 2019 776 views

Trying to enter the field of Urban Planning

Hi, I am 16 years old and in my second semester of college! I am interested In entering the field of urban planning but more on a larger scaler with large cities and possibly even internationally I am trying to learn Spanish and I already know a good amount of French ( I am thinking of moving...

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Jan 08, 2019 579 views

What is the difference between becoming an Electrical Engineer and becoming an Electrician

#electrical-engineering #engineer #electrian

jordi’s Avatar
jordi Aug 17, 2018 783 views

tips for acquiring scholarships?

I've been applying for a while now, but it seems that I'm never lucky any tips? #scholarships

Vernon’s Avatar
Vernon Dec 17, 2018 1106 views

What is the most difficult Part Of A Welder's Day ?

Welding Looks Like a bundle of fun ! I'm wondering what is the what is the hardest part of the job ?


Kaydreanna’s Avatar
Kaydreanna Jan 05, 2019 1694 views

Is it possible to get a double major with a nursing degree?

I know that I for sure want to major in music. It’s my life and I don’t want to change that. But I would like to find another major to get just because music isn’t the most reliable sometimes. Would getting a nursing degree take too much to double major with? #college-major #nursing

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha Jan 03, 2019 532 views

How did you know that what you were doing for your chosen profession was the right one.

- No idea which path to go down entering college
- Truthfully.