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Moghe Jayant’s Avatar

Moghe Jayant

Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Durham, North Carolina
6 Answers
7283 Reads
16 Karma

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cam’s Avatar
cam Apr 23, 2019 851 views

if my strengths are honesty and hobbies are gaming,what types of carrers or industries might best fit me?

#career #business #gaming #technology

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Apr 28, 2019 978 views

Is psychology a good major? And is being a psycholosist a good job? Or are there too many psychologists in America. And is there a high chance of employment after graduation? Are psychology degrees expensive? And incase I consider psychology a minor is it still something?

#Psychology #career #majors #college #advice #university #clinical-psychology #college-major

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jan 22, 2018 823 views

What are the top medical schools on the east coast?

I am beginning to look for medical schools to attend in a few years, and I would love to have a jump start and having an idea on which are ranked highly.


Joan’s Avatar
Joan Sep 26, 2014 5851 views

How do I get chances to practice public speaking?

I keep hearing that I am supposed to practice public speaking to improve myself. I always imagine that there will be lots of class discussion in college, so I want to be better at public speaking before I go to college. I do not have any real expertise so I don't see how I can find any way to...

ivan’s Avatar
ivan Apr 17, 2019 568 views

if you make a cool painting how much would i make

#art #money #design #artist #financial-planning

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi Apr 26, 2019 695 views

What would be the best degree to get if I am interested in becoming a industrial or commercial designer?

#design #Graphicde #graphic-design #art