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Roopa Jayaraman’s Avatar

Roopa Jayaraman

Manage a team of customer support engineers
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
10 Answers
25081 Reads
1 Karma

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Kassidy’s Avatar
Kassidy May 16, 2016 1449 views

As a woman in a STEM career, am I more likely to get hired by an employer?

I was wondering how it compares for different genders. #stem #women-in-stem #stem-education

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11255 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Sep 06, 2019 692 views

What education would you recommend for computer engineering?

I'm from high school and want to know how many years of experience or education was required. #computer #engineering #computer-science

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Sep 06, 2019 872 views

Did your lifestyle ever change as a computer engineer?

As all of my other questions say, I'm a high school student and would want to know if your lifestyle ever changed? #computer-science #computer #engineer #computer-engineering

Angel’s Avatar
Angel May 02, 2019 1206 views

Do sociology and classics majors get good jobs with high salaries?

#sociology #vlassic #classics #greek #rome #college #careers #advice #college-major #college #internationalstudent #majors #minors

Katelynn’s Avatar
Katelynn May 07, 2019 730 views

How do catholic doctors deal with abortions?

I previously asked a question regarding going into the medical field as a career. If I were to go into the medical field how would I handle a situation where a patient wants to have an abortion? I go to a Catholic high school and it is against my religious beliefs. Within my own understanding...

Daija’s Avatar
Daija May 07, 2019 475 views

whats the best way to find out about jobs in the automotive field?

jobs in louisville, ky in automotive field