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Shari Blocher’s Avatar

Shari Blocher

Servicing Management Consultant
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Adamstown, Maryland
3 Answers
17895 Reads
10 Karma

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Tayler’s Avatar
Tayler Jan 16, 2018 1490 views

Is double majoring a good idea?

I got a $12,000 scholarship to go to an out of state college for Business administration but I want to go to school for Culinary arts as well. Is it a good idea to double major or do I take it one at a time? #culinary #business #college-major #double-major #academic-advising

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 08, 2017 17439 views

If you could go back in time and tell your younger-self one thing, what would it be?

What one piece of advice would you want to tell your younger self? Would it be something about jobs and careers, losses and struggles, life and love? What would it be? #business #medicine #marketing #financial-services #social-media #marketing-and-advertising #strategy #customer-service

Christian’s Avatar
Christian May 05, 2019 1013 views

Do rigorous classes prepare you for the ACT, or will I need a prep class?

Do Honors/AP/College classes prepare you enough for the ACT, or will I need a prep class? I'm trying to figure out if I should try to fit an ACT Prep class into my schedule. Thanks! #college #student #nurse #nursing #classes #university #act #ap #rigorous #science #technology #engineering #math...