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Ruth Ludlum’s Avatar

Ruth Ludlum

User Experience Research
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
South Amboy, New Jersey
5 Answers
5397 Reads
1 Karma

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Kaitlin’s Avatar
Kaitlin Jan 15, 2018 743 views

Which schools have good psychology masters programs?

I'm going to graduate in a year and need to start thinking about grad school. I'm wondering where to apply.
#graduate-school #psychology

Mack’s Avatar
Mack Apr 12, 2018 1006 views

What are good schools for a degree in Forensic Psychology

I'm set on studying forensic psychology after I graduate High School. I know that the requirements are a major in Psychology and minoring in Criminal Law. Are there any schools with excellent classes in both fields? #criminal-law #psychology #forensics #forensic-psychology #criminal-justice

Denia’s Avatar
Denia Apr 12, 2018 764 views

I am on the 12th grade and I should expect when working in a clinic as an orthodontist?

I plan on going to the medical field this one in particular and I don’t have any experience on it. I am a friendly person, I enjoy talking and listening to people, reading etc .

#orthodontist #experience #clinic #doctor
#medicine #orthodontics

Adeline’s Avatar
Adeline Aug 20, 2018 896 views

After reciving your PHD how hard is it to open your own profitable practice?

#private practice

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Jan 15, 2018 2493 views

What type of job would someone with a cognitive science degree do?

I love cognitive science and plan for that to be my major..but struggle with what type of job I would someday like to do.
#cognitive-science #clinical-psychology #cognition #cognitive-psychology #neuroscience