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Katy Tsai’s Avatar

Katy Tsai

Experience Designer
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Francisco, California
2 Answers
5406 Reads
51 Karma

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Lewis’s Avatar
Lewis May 17, 2019 682 views

Self Taught or College/Uni for art

Hi, i was curious to those who are illustrators and Graphics designers, what would be the best approach to learning how to draw, paint and design effectively. I have moderate skills in art but not enough to get me in the professional field just yet, Was curious what peoples opinions are on...

C’s Avatar
C Jul 02, 2019 4619 views

UX/UI Designer V.S Web Developer

To all professionals reading this post, thank you for your precious time! I just started my journey in coding (HTML/CSS/Javascript) three months ago, I love it and I experience the so-called 'flow' state when I'm coding. (definitely a great sign!) I was wondering if you could share some...