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Mrutunjay Sethi’s Avatar

Mrutunjay Sethi

Network Security Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
4 Answers
3352 Reads
21 Karma

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Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Sep 09, 2019 730 views

What are the most essential skills you would need in the Hardware Engineering field?

What are some important soft skills you would need to succeed as a hardware engineer?
Why are these skills important to the career?

#computer #engineer #computer-engineer

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Sep 06, 2019 849 views

If you had the opportunity to redo your career path, what would you change and why?

I’m a senior student at Brennan HS. I’m looking into engineering careers because I excel at math and science but have a creative streak that needs an outlet. #engineering #science #math #career #careerpath #engineer

Nolan’s Avatar
Nolan Sep 09, 2019 736 views

What is the typical starting salary of a Hardware Engineer in an entry level job?

#salary #computer #engineering #computer-engineer

Gratian’s Avatar
Gratian Sep 06, 2019 1061 views

Any advice if my career goal is to be an Airline Mechanic??

What's your career-goal #job #aviation #airline-industry #career #mechanic