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Providence, Rhode Island
78 Questions
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Anina Oct 15, 2019 1132 views

How do I negotiate for the best terms on a software engineering offer when I don't have another offer to compare against?

Hello! I am a college senior with an offer from a decently large enterprise tech company to be a backend software engineer after graduation. I wish I had some sort of sign-on bonus or some relocation funds with my offer, because I'm not sure I can afford the first month of rent when I haven't...

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Anina Aug 02, 2019 3126 views

I spent most of my software engineering internship not programming. Will that hurt me in interviews for full-time roles?

I'm a CS major in college and I am about to finish up an internship in backend software engineering at a division of a very large tech company. Most of my time was spent reading code, reading documentation, learning to use internal tools, writing configs, writing test cases, minor bug fixes,...

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Anina Aug 02, 2019 1743 views

What types of software engineering roles will allow me to spend the most time actually writing code?

Hi everyone. I'm a CS major in college, about to become a senior, and will be looking for a full-time role soon. I feel like I'm on track, and am considering what type of software engineering role I'd like to pursue. One thing that I've learned from my summer internship is how much of software...

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Anina Aug 02, 2019 1131 views

How much of the time is a backend software engineer actually writing code?

I'm a CS major in college and I am about to finish up a 12-week internship in backend software engineering at a division of a very large tech company. I'm a little surprised at what % of my internship was actually spent writing code: just about 3 of the 12 weeks. The other 9 weeks were mostly...

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Anina Feb 20, 2019 1726 views

Which software team should I pick for my summer internship?

I've been using CareerVillage ever since high school to get help, and I feel like I'm finally close to the finish line.. I'm a junior in college majoring in Computer Science at a well-known school. I accepted a backend software engineering internship for this summer, and I was recently sent a...

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Anina Dec 08, 2018 1311 views

How do I make an impression at my future summer internship?

I’m a junior in college doing a software engineering internship in the upcoming summer. Someone advised me that I should make sure to get great references from this internship. What’s the best way to do that? Should I excel at work? Should I be more friendly? Is there some strategy or practice...

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Anina Jan 20, 2017 1819 views

Any tips for an interview as an office assistant?

Hi! I have an interview for an office assistant with the Computer Science department at my school. I was wondering if there was anything in particular I could do to help myself stand out from any competition? Even just general interview tips would help me right now.. Job Description: Help with...

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Anina Jan 20, 2017 7409 views

What's a good typing speed?

I took an online words per minute typing test a few times, and got between 85 and 90 each time. Is this a good speed? Is this something I can put on my resume? #career-counseling #resume #resume-writing #evaluating-resumes

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Anina Jan 01, 2017 1220 views

What's more cost effective- minimum wage in an area with low cost of living, or an internship in a high cost area?

I'm trying to figure out what to do with my summer, with the knowledge that I have to pay for my own housing and all my living expenses. I'm a college freshman, so the internship probably wouldn't pay me too much more than a regular minimum wage job. Another possible option would be to stay in...

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Anina Sep 24, 2016 1933 views

How do you enjoy life as a premed?

I really hate all the restrictions I have on myself as a premed. Basically all the things I did to get into college (fancy extracurriculars, stellar grades, 20+ applications, standardized testing, etc.) I have to do again to get into med school- but with a job on top of it. And I'm majoring in...

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Anina Sep 12, 2016 1222 views

Is it better to double concentrate or get an BS?

I am trying to decide whether I should receive an AB in Computer Science, and also pick up a degree in Economics, or if it would be better for me to get a BS in Computer Science only. I'm not sure of two things: 1) if a Bachelor of Arts gets as much respect as a Bachelor of Science, and 2) if...

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Anina Aug 27, 2016 1232 views

What were your first seven jobs?

I saw the hashtag #firstsevenjobs on twitter and I was wondering what people's first seven jobs were. #career #career-choice

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Anina Aug 19, 2016 2061 views

How do you make a lot of friends in college?

I didn't make that many friends in high school so I was wondering how to do that in college. #college-life

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Anina Aug 09, 2016 1043 views

What is the homework like at an elite college?

I'll be going to college soon, and I'm thinking about taking 5 classes, but I'm a little scared that I won't be able to keep up with the coursework. #college

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Anina Aug 08, 2016 1473 views

When an interviewer asks "Why should we hire you, compared to all the other candidates" what should I say?

I have no idea how to respond to this question since I'm a very inexperienced in the job market. I want to apply for web development jobs. What do I say if someone asks me this? #interviews