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Ivan Jukic’s Avatar

Ivan Jukic

Network Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
4 Answers
17925 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Jul 12, 2018 7536 views

What part of your job do you love the most?

I am an incoming freshman (Undeclared) with interests in Civil Engineering, Environmental Policy, Biostatistics, Data Science, Sociology, Public Health, Entrepreneurship, Product Design, Network Administration, and Financial Analyst & Planning. I am exploring different career possibilities so I...

Tamara’s Avatar
Tamara Oct 16, 2019 1042 views

Do you more often work individually or as part of a team?


Julio’s Avatar
Julio Oct 14, 2019 1365 views

What are the benefits to being proactive and a workaholic?

#work #social-work #construction #career #management

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11255 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....