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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Sep 01, 2018 460 views

Which would be the uncomplicated class that a student is required to take while majoring in the education field with a bachelor's degree?

#college sophomore #education

Selena’s Avatar
Selena Sep 01, 2018 608 views

please help me find my career

i am a senior in high school and graduate but i dont know what i want to do i love but i dont know what career i should do in science. i love loved earth and space and bio and astronomy learning about plaets and the glaxies please help me #career

C’s Avatar
C Aug 31, 2018 833 views

How to ask professor for recommendation letter?

Which professor should I ask for recommendation letter?
What's the polite way to ask them to be my references when it's been a while since I've taken their courses?

#professors #professional #career #references
#email #scholarship #recommendationletter

sabrina’s Avatar
sabrina Aug 31, 2018 796 views

Is attending a college thats far away from home worth it?

I live in New York and I'm considering going to school in South Florida. #school #travel #far #college

Rylee’s Avatar
Rylee Aug 31, 2018 481 views

Who do I contact if I get lost on the first day?

I’m not the best with directions or finding my way about with the first few days of something new, is there someone who I can call that can help me find my way? #college #help

Khushi’s Avatar
Khushi Aug 31, 2018 933 views

What are the benefits of going to business school?

#grad school

Khushi’s Avatar
Khushi Aug 31, 2018 795 views

Does undergrad prestige really matter?


Rylee’s Avatar
Rylee Aug 31, 2018 768 views

How many is too much?

In high school, I’ve participated in A LOT and in my English class, we had to fill out a resume. When do I know when to stop with the list? What are some things that irrelevant to colleges? #resume #college #help

Sally’s Avatar
Sally Aug 31, 2018 554 views

When going to college should you try to re-create yourself?


Marc’s Avatar
Marc Aug 31, 2018 527 views

I’m wanting to major in a variation of with mathematics or chemistry; however, I don’t know which would be more beneficial to me, so which one should I go for?

#college/universities #help #future #student

Ekene’s Avatar
Ekene Aug 29, 2018 827 views

How do you attain a good balance in college?

What did you do to maintain good grades? How did you choose the right people to associate with? If you played a sport how did you just to your schedule? What did you do to prepare for college? What are the sacrifices you had to make? How did you try and associate with professors? #advice...

Keely’s Avatar
Keely Aug 29, 2018 812 views

Is a Parent Plus Loan the best option?

I am overwhelmed by loans and I can't tell which one is the best for me! #college #loans #stress

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Aug 29, 2018 594 views

Do I need to participate in clubs and activities in college?

I have social anxiety, and I don't know if I have to participate in clubs and activities. Some say we need to, others say we don't. Does it vary from school to school? Will I be shunned if I am inactive in student life? I'm not the best at making friends, and with my anxiety, it's extra hard. I...

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Aug 29, 2018 608 views

What skills do you recommend one has for a computer science job?

i understand one needs to know various programming languages and a lot of experience but is there a certain language that can get one a foot in the door or have a good chance at landing a job? #student #college #jobs #career

Luis’s Avatar
Luis Aug 29, 2018 644 views

How much experience must one have to land a computer science job?

Is it more beneficial to have a masters in computer science or to have 4+ years in working for a company to land a decent pay job in the computer science field? #career #jobs #job