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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2521893 Reads
11180 Karma


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Allison’s Avatar
Allison Aug 17, 2018 510 views

What is a science related job that doesn’t involve a lot of math?

I hate math but I love science #science

Madeline’s Avatar
Madeline Aug 17, 2018 575 views

Before I enter college to study for a career in creative writing, what are other ways to expand my writing skills on my individual time along with writing stories and short poems?

I love writing fiction like fanasy and young adult. I also write short poems and am currently writing a young adult novel. #writing #career

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Aug 17, 2018 498 views

Who knows of great places to job shadow in college?

In need of places to job shadow for medical experience.

Carolyn’s Avatar
Carolyn Aug 16, 2018 861 views

Do colleges look for involvement with sports and organizations?

I participate in cheerleading, track and field, fellowship of christian atheles, younglife, and multiple volunteering programs. Are colleges interested in students tha can balance these things and maintaining a good GPA. Basically, what impact does extra-curriculars bring to the college world....

Carolyn’s Avatar
Carolyn Aug 16, 2018 596 views

What is a goal GPA for a high school student?

The GPA is very important to colleges. I want to make sure I fit the expectation!

#highschool #GPA #college

Jared’s Avatar
Jared Aug 16, 2018 571 views

What are some job opportunities in the engineering field?

I'm interested in an engineering job, but i'm not sure what is available. #engineering

Cassia’s Avatar
Cassia Aug 16, 2018 1165 views

What should I do to get an internship during winter break?

I am a rising junior majoring in Computer Engineering. I would like to use my winter break effectively by getting an relevant internship to occupy that time. I've heard that's it's incredibly difficult to do so, though. I've been googling "software development winter break internships" and...

Aayushya’s Avatar
Aayushya Aug 16, 2018 600 views

Any advice for someone who may not have significant extracurricular to add to their college application?

#college #collegadvice #advice

Suet’s Avatar
Suet Aug 16, 2018 583 views

Is it difficult to do well in an engineering major in college without any background experience?

I didn't participate in a robotics club or activities that involved designing and building anything, but I am a bit curious to explore it in college because I am undecided in what I want to pursue. Will it be difficult to catch up in college without any background knowledge or experience?...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Aug 16, 2018 791 views

What are the best ways to get involved in your career field?

Sometimes finding jobs can be tough and connecting into your field during college has a huge advantage. #career #career-development

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Aug 16, 2018 711 views

How can you set yourself apart from other interns?

I hope to land a federal job after college. They offer limited intern positions, and permanent jobs are only offered to a couple of people. How can I prove I would be the best person for the job? #jobs #internship #competitive

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Aug 14, 2018 1102 views

What should I prepare myself for if I intend on going into accounting as a career?

#career #accounting #career-development

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Aug 14, 2018 563 views

What school would be top on the list if I were to major in accounting?

#major #university #college #major

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Aug 14, 2018 622 views

What should I prepare myself for if I intend on majoring in accounting?

#career #business #college

Dustin’s Avatar
Dustin Aug 14, 2018 1161 views

Which is a better profession to pursue: marching band or computer science?

I've been around computers all my life and I love working with them. However, it seems like it could be a lot of work and not much fun to do as a job. Marching band/music seems really fun, but I don't think it'd be worth it money-wise and I won't be able to do it my entire life unless I go into...