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Angel Martinez’s Avatar

Angel Martinez

Computer Specialist at FDLE
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Fort Myers, Florida
23 Answers
37176 Reads
181 Karma


Civic Duty

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dennis’s Avatar
dennis Mar 14, 2018 1022 views

Should I major in computer science information or computer animations?

I love both subjects very much, but due to costs I can’t do both. I love animating and filming, but I’m not sure if i’m qualified enough for the industry. For computer science, I love it too, but I tend to struggle at times when learning or applyingrg knowledge. #Animations...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Feb 13, 2017 1097 views

Is it possible to put two partitions on a hard-drive and split the windows installation with a partition and use the other to store files?

I hear often that many schools and companies use a deep freeze and store their data on separate networks. So, I wonder if it would be easier to store and boot windows from a separate partition and use the other to store data. I wonder what issues this will cause, but I also wonder if this would...

Dhayananda ’s Avatar
Dhayananda Sep 15, 2014 1976 views

IT networking

Have 5 years exp in BPO but now want to get into IT networking, completed CCNA certificate let me know from where i need to start so I can learn everything in networking? #it #computer-networking

Jobseyun’s Avatar
Jobseyun Apr 14, 2013 1947 views


do they design softwares #engineering #computer

Wesley’s Avatar
Wesley Oct 22, 2015 1553 views

What would you have to know to be an engineer?

what would you have to know to be an engineer because I want to come prepared so when i make my first impression I want it to be a good first impression. #engineering #preparation

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Oct 22, 2015 1234 views

do you like to play football?

I like to play football do you? if have never played you should its really fun. #football

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Nov 02, 2015 1057 views

What does a program do to a robot?

Hi I'm Justin and I want to know a lot of robotic programing but I always fail doing so. if you could answer my question that would be great thank you.

Vincent ’s Avatar
Vincent Apr 01, 2014 1203 views

What do computer engineers do?

I am going into computer engineering or am interested in it #engineer #computer

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Oct 29, 2015 2266 views

For Microsoft:How much is the Salary?

I want to work for Microsoft to become an game developer, i plant to go to college for gaming and want to work with Microsoft when I gradute, but is the salary ok,good, or terrible? Any question will be apprectiated! #salary #microsoft

Gillian’s Avatar
Gillian Oct 21, 2015 1119 views

what is florida atlantic university like?

I want to go to a college in Florida, but I'm not sure which one would be good so I found FAU and want to know if its actually a good school. #general

Charlie’s Avatar
Charlie Oct 27, 2015 1318 views

How do I become an engineer

Hi my name is Charlie Bridges and I want to know how to become an engineer. What college would I have to go to. #engineer

Ralph’s Avatar
Ralph Oct 23, 2015 1131 views

how hard is it for a enginner

how hard is it to be a engineer do i need to know know some stuff before I get the job #engineer #skilled

Wesley’s Avatar
Wesley Oct 28, 2015 1083 views

how hard is beeing an engineer

I want t know how hard being an engineer is
#skills #fun

Norma’s Avatar
Norma Nov 19, 2014 1180 views

How long does it take to be doctor?

I chose this question because I want to be a doctor and because I want to see what doctors there are.

Charlie’s Avatar
Charlie Oct 27, 2015 1145 views

What are good paying jobs

Hi my name is Charlie and I am wanting a good paying job. Were would I go for a good paying job? #job