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Robert Wilkes, PhD’s Avatar

Robert Wilkes, PhD

Biomedical engineering
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
8 Answers
8159 Reads
61 Karma

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Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Feb 20, 2020 702 views

Where do people who wanna be bioengineers find jobs?

#career #job #career-path #job-search #bioengineer #biomedicalengineer #helpmeplzhaha

Madelyn’s Avatar
Madelyn Nov 14, 2019 872 views

What career fits with my interests?

Hi, i’m in 11th grade. One of my main interests is computer editing. I enjoy video editing with adobe after effects and making 3D objects with Element 3D. I like using my mind to make up new transitions. I also enjoy math and I like technology overall. #technology #career #editing

keyhan’s Avatar
keyhan Nov 15, 2019 554 views

what kind of places can i go while on this job.

#science #job #career i really want to be an archaeologist when i grow up. i am interested in extinct animals, plants, and cities. i like exploring things.
i am in 7th grade. my name is keyhan.

keyhan’s Avatar
keyhan Nov 15, 2019 713 views

what classes will i have to take to become a good archaeologist

i want to be good at my job. i want to know what classes i would have to take in order to succeed. archaeology is very hard for some people. #career #archaeology #classes

Drew’s Avatar
Drew Nov 14, 2019 839 views

What type of engineering suits me best

When i was growing up i took an interest to building and designing stuff, then revising it to make it better. #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #technology

Henry’s Avatar
Henry Nov 14, 2019 1753 views

What Engineering career is in demand currently?

I am interested in Engineering, but I have not chosen the type I want to go in to. I need more information on which one I want to choose. #engineering # #engineer #career

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan May 27, 2016 1161 views

As a Biomedical Engineer, do you typically spend more time working on the computer with models or programs or with prototypes and physical objects?

I am interested in pursuing a career in biomedical engineering and I wanted to know about this specific aspect of working in the field. #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biomedical-engineer

Rhea’s Avatar
Rhea Apr 22, 2018 2357 views

With the field of biomedical engineering, are there any problems being a girl?

I heard that in most STEM fields, being a girl means you earn less, there are less opportunities, not as many companies believe girls are capable, girls are of less value. I wanted more information if this was a myth or if it was true and how it might be a bad decision to go into this field....