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Andrew Au’s Avatar

Andrew Au

Professor of Mathematics & Statistics, Retired
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
191 Answers
240391 Reads
480 Karma


Civic Duty

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Zicong’s Avatar
Zicong Mar 16 132 views

Should I take both Ap physics 1 and Ap physics C next year, what's the different?

Next year is my senior year

Cindy’s Avatar
Cindy Mar 10 662 views

How can I be able to get elevated in Math?

I am in 7th grade standard math right now, and I really want to get into Algebra 1 next year for math, are there any resources to help me learn pre-algebra/8th grade math?

There is a summer placement test for this so are there any recommendations for textbooks, or resources

Jose AlcantarJimenez’s Avatar
Jose AlcantarJimenez Mar 07 3008 views

Hello dear professors, my name is Jose what do I need to do for prepare my major/ career? Want to do architect

What do I need to do now to be prepared for college?

Baixin’s Avatar
Baixin Mar 07 2554 views

What skills does a math teacher have? Mathematical knowledge? Teaching ability?

I wanted to determine what skills are essential for a math teacher that would help me in my career path.

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Feb 25 854 views

How do I get started with getting into Astronomy or Programming?

What should I do to get started on learning about Programming or Astronomy? what schools should I look into? what should I do beforehand to set me up for success?

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Jan 08 602 views

I am considering getting into engineering, I am in 10th grade but my grades aren't the best. I am good at trade math questions but not very good at geometry, I enjoy working with my hands and currently taking my second year of welding.

How can I improve in math, and what resources should I be using to become successful in engineering

S.’s Avatar
S. Jan 06 3292 views

Is a Mathematics degree enough for entry level positions in Finance?

I am currently obtaining my associate's degree and have decided that mathematics is the best option because of it's versatility. My goal is to work in investment banking, so I know I will need a bachelor's degree. I have no desire to get a Master's degree. Will that effect my chances? What...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jan 03 1250 views

How should I proceed along the lines of my math classes?

Hello! I have a question! I am currently taking honors Precalculus as a sophomore and next year I want to go to standard stat because I don't want to feel overwhelmed, and I plan to take another AP class in an unrelated subject. My math teacher is telling me to go to AP Calculus AB then do AP...

curtis’s Avatar
curtis Dec 12, 2024 225 views

how will i be successful in college studying aeronautical engineering?

what,how,why will i be successful in college studying aeronautical engineering,

Thiago’s Avatar
Thiago Nov 25, 2024 933 views

How do I have a good career in Maths?

I love mostly performing calculation

david’s Avatar
david Nov 25, 2024 1018 views

which career if you like computer and maths?

like comp and math

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 22, 2024 1166 views

How to become an adjunct professor?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become an adjunct professor?

Note: Given the growing interest in the education field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

Rosalina’s Avatar
Rosalina Nov 22, 2024 646 views

My age is 14, what is a good book for math?

my age is 14 what is a books good for me like maths?

Vivian’s Avatar
Vivian Nov 18, 2024 689 views

help me with this ?

so I just go out of school and I am trying to look for a test to see how smart I am how can I do that I am not really great at math and I need help and its kinda hard to study when there is a lot of talking in my class and I just need help and if you can help me that would be great and I really...

Benedict’s Avatar
Benedict Nov 17, 2024 624 views

How can i build up my carrer?

how can i grow in my education