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Bill Leonard’s Avatar

Bill Leonard

Technical Consultant/Exec Deal Lead
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
St. Louis, MO
9 Answers
37009 Reads
1 Karma

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John Xavier’s Avatar
John Xavier Apr 15 686 views

What are some routines you do to maintain a good health and be able to achieve your hard goals?

This question is for my curiosity of routines to help me maintain good health and manage my time.

Cato’s Avatar
Cato Jan 28, 2022 710 views

Are connections important to start your own business?

Are connections important to develop your own business? and if so how would I find people with similar interests to me. #business #entrepreneur #networking #mentor

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Feb 26, 2021 1291 views

If you could go back to High School what is one thing you would change or do differently?

#experience #college-major

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 05, 2020 807 views

How to stand out with lack of experience for my prospective field?

It’s the medical field and emphasizes a lot of hands-on experience but I’m unable to get any because of COVID. Office Hours #1: Resume Writing with Judy Park This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours...

Douglas’s Avatar
Douglas Nov 12, 2020 1525 views

What is your greatest strengths?

I like being on time, being flexible, patient, and a hard worker, and communicating with co-workers and supervisors. #jobs #time-management #motivation #work

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Nov 20, 2019 538 views

What is your personal experience with the 2008 financial crisis and the effects of it?

How has it impacted your life?

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Jul 10, 2017 37178 views

If you were your own manager for one day, what would you change?

If you were in charge of the department you work in for one day, what would you do differently? Would it be something with the actual work you do, or the place you work in? Thanks for your time! #career-choice #change-management #project-management #professional-training #computer-software...

Niya’s Avatar
Niya Aug 14, 2019 892 views

How much time did it take to advance to your current position

#computer-engineering #computer-hardware #time-management

Zoya’s Avatar
Zoya Apr 25, 2018 2799 views

How long does it take for one to complete their Bachelor's?

I was counted the amount of time I will spend in school after High school. I was considering going into Information Technology Management. How long is the schoolimg in terms of getting your bachelors and masters degree? #information-technology-and-services #project-management #help #BS #mba