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Dana Armstrong’s Avatar

Dana Armstrong

Writer, Business Owner
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Legal Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
13 Answers
14373 Reads
51 Karma

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jessi’s Avatar
jessi Jul 29, 2019 687 views

i would like to be a police officer when i'm older but i am also looking into the military. Should i go to college first and get some my degrees or should i enter into the military and use the money to pay for college after?

#military #police #college #law-enforcement #navy #reserves?

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Oct 14, 2019 544 views

what courses do i need to become a police dispatcher?

I put on office administration to help me more to become a police dispatcher as in being able to have better customer service and being able to multitask. #law-enforcement

Katia’s Avatar
Katia Oct 14, 2019 470 views

would it help me to start my career in office admin while wanting to be a police dispatcher?


Tsz Ho’s Avatar
Tsz Ho Feb 13, 2020 794 views

What field can I work in after studying Economics and Finance?

I am a penultimate year student and am finding graduation job. It seems that everyone is only aiming for the banking industry or maybe some investment firms. Is there any other obtions?

#finance #business #economics #job-search

Tsz Ho’s Avatar
Tsz Ho Feb 13, 2020 1337 views

What personalities are the finance field looking for?

I have sent some applications to different companies and banks but only a little of them offered me an opportunity of aptitude test.
#finance #internship #business #HR

Precious’s Avatar
Precious Feb 12, 2020 5298 views

What is the most challenging part of being a receptionist?

#nursing #receptionist
I am from oahu.

Wynter’s Avatar
Wynter Jan 22, 2018 1597 views

How can I work with victims of sex trafficking?

I know I want to work with victims of sex trafficking but I am not sure in what capacity. I am on my way to obtaining a master's degree in psychology. I just know I want to shed a light on how widespread sex trafficking is.

#sextrafficking #psychology #clinical-psychology

erik’s Avatar
erik Feb 07, 2020 527 views

which state in USA haves the best salary for working on welding

my name is Erik #financial-planning #salary #welding

madie’s Avatar
madie Sep 27, 2018 630 views

Is college as stressful as everyone says?

#student #college

Ligaya’s Avatar
Ligaya Jul 14, 2016 1713 views

How often should one update his/her resume

It would be interesting to know how long (or soon) one should update their resume. #career #resume #cv #job-application

Rayann’s Avatar
Rayann Feb 11, 2020 776 views

1. What are some of the things you struggle with when your on the job ?

I take my work seriously and I am very dependable. I always get my task done wether its something I know about or not that's why I choose to be in the Business Trade. Also I can be very bossy but confident at the same time too. #business #business #entrepreneur #business-management

Mina’s Avatar
Mina Feb 03, 2020 513 views

Im looking to find internships around the forensic science field as well as lab jobs

Currently in college looking for work #biology #forensic #internship #science #job

Mariam’s Avatar
Mariam Feb 12, 2020 800 views

How do I choose what career is right for me?

#career-choice #medicalfield #career-counseling #physicianassistant
#registerednurse #nursepractitioner